At Snap we are doing things a little bit differently! We have experienced a gap in services available for children and families and are committed to filling it. We have a growing team of child health specialists.
Our Paediatricians offer rapid access to Medical Paediatric care on the Sunshine Coast. They are also available for Baby Checks and Urgent Care Consults for specialist Paediatric assessment and care of immediate concerns. This is a novel alternative to GP appointments or visiting the Emergency Department when your child is unwell.
We have a General Practioner with special interest in maternal and child health. This service offers a range of supports for young children and mothers.
If you are unsure what consult type is most appropriate for your child, please phone the clinic.
Urgent Care Consult
Specialist Paediatric care when your child needs it most.
This new style of appointment can be made urgently - the same or next clinic day. This 30 minute appointment will offer a focused assessment and management plan for a simple concern or acute illness (e.g. fever, respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, ear pain). We will ensure your child has the best possible care, and that as a parent or carer, you understand what is happening and how to manage it. Review appointments will be made, if required, either face-to-face or via telehealth.
An Urgent Care Consult can be made online or over the phone, with or without a GP referral.
Baby Check
Direct access to a specialist Paediatrician for your baby’s regular health checks.
Our Paediatricians are available for your child’s regular baby checks. These appointments will be booked as a 30 minute consult for simple check ups with no significant concerns. If you have concerns that you would like to discuss at the check up, a 60 minute consult will allow time to discuss this in detail, ensuring you have the knowledge and confidence to support your little one to thrive.
Standard Consult
Traditional specialist Paediatric consultation.
Your child’s appointment will last up to 60 minutes. Your paediatrician will provide a thorough assessment and management plan of your most urgent concerns. They will ensure they understand all important details of your child’s medical history, complete a relevant examination, order any further tests that are required and discuss the best management plan. Your doctor will organise tests and referrals and will send a comprehensive letter to your healthcare team. Review appointments will made, as required, prior to handover back to the care of your General Practitioner or other specialists if required.
Appointments can be booked by phoning the clinic during business hours and can be made without a referral from a GP, however this will incur a greater out-of-pocket expense.
Mums & Bubs Consult
GP with Special Interest in perinatal health of mother and child.
Our new GP is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) with a special interest in newborn health, feeding support and allergies. This service offers 60 minute appointments for both mother and child for support in breastfeeding or infant feeding difficulties (this includes all forms of infant feeding), unsettled babies, infant allergy concerns including eczema and food intolerances, solid introduction, paediatric feeding concerns e.g. selective eating, anxious mealtimes and perinatal (mother’s) mental health.
Telehealth and Telephone Consult
We understand it’s not always possible (or preferable) to make a face-to-face appointment.
Initial consultations must be face-to-face, but our Paediatricians will conduct follow up reviews via a video (telehealth) or telephone, as appropriate.
As specialist paediatricians our fee structure includes a significant medicare rebate with a referral from a GP or other primary care doctor (eg Emergency Department discharge letter, Midwife or Nurse Practitioner with provider number).
We know it is not always possible to get a referral when your child is unwell. At Snap, we have created Urgent Care Consults to improve access to specialist care without a referral. All consult types can be booked without a referral, but will include a smaller rebate. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone the clinic.
Urgent Care Consult
With referral
$180 Full Fee / $31.65 Out-of-pocket (after rebate)
30 minute appointment duration
Without referral
$180 Full Fee / $142 Out-of-pocket (after rebate)
30 minute appointment duration
Baby Check
With referral
$280 Full Fee / $131.65 Out-of-pocket (after rebate)
30 mintute appointment duration
Standard Consult
Standard Consult – Single Issue
$410 Full Fee / $261.65 Out-of-pocket with referral; $349 Out-of-pocket without referral (after rebate)
60 minute appointment duration
Complex Consult – Multiple Issues
$520 Full Fee / $260.60 Out-of-pocket with referral; $459 Out-of-pocket without referral (after rebate)
60 minute appointment duration
*Please note that consultation type depends on the complexity of the consultation and number of issues addressed.
Mums & Bubs Consult
No referral needed
$240 Full Fee / between $118 and $158 Out-of-pocket (after rebate)
*Consultation includes 60 minute assessment and management plan for both mother and child
Follow up appointments
Phone for details
Multiple follow up options are available, including face-to-face, telehealth and telephone. Consults vary in time depending on what is required. Follow up will be discussed at the time of your appointment. If you have questions about Follow up appointment fees, please call our friendly staff to discuss.

For Urgent Care Consults, we understand that your child’s condition might change, requiring a visit to an Emergency Department, or they may get better quicker than expected. Please provide as much notice as possible for any cancellations.
For Standard Consults, cancellations within 2 business days will incur a $200 fee. Cancellations on the day of appointment will be charged the full consultation fee if the appointment cannot be filled.